Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Slater is the new member of Team Wayuk

Slater is joining Denise as the new members of Team Wayuk after Joya lost the grip and let the doll that has the picture and t-shirt of Slater fell on the pool where Carlo and Eting was one of those being chosen.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Intensity 1: Kim is Forced Evicted

Big Brother decided to forced evict Kim because of the doubt and hesitation. Big Brother once open to the door to the outside world but no one came out but now it was the call of Kuya bring her out.

Kigoy is Evicted!

Finally after all what happen inside the Big Brother house Kigoy is evicted due to the reason. Finally Kigoy reunited with her mother.

Luz and Tol are evicted

Housemates Luz of Team Wayuk and Tol of Team High Voltage were evicted.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Kigoy, Anatoly, Denise and Wendy are nominated in Team High Voltage

After the reveal of the nominees of Team Wayuk, the nominees for the Team High Voltage are Kigoy, Anatoly, Denise, and Wendy.

Kevin, Luz, Steph, and Jessica are nominated in Team Wayuk

Kevin is automatically nominated because of the Yes No task, while the other 3 nominees for evictions are Luz, Jessica and Steph are nominated in Team Wayuk where Seichi is immune from the nomination night because he won at the Head of the House challenge.

3rd Door is the Voluntary Exit Door

Big Brother opens the 3rd door which leads to the outside world. He gives all the housemates the chance to leave the big brother house or voluntary exit. This will be the last time that Kuya will allow the housemate to do this and none of them answered yes. So Big Brother closed the third door again.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yes and No Task

The housemates who said yes were Naprey to color his hair, Steph and Jessica to be tan, Seichi to smoke, Kevin not to take a bath, and Luz and Pam to donate their clothes. While Jessica said No to curl her hair, Unad to automatic nominate and last is the group to automatic nomination and Ryan said yes on the nomination question and suggested Kevin.

With this they won the weekly task and placed Kevin on Automatic nomination status.